Hazel Gatehouse obituary
We are deeply saddened at the sudden death of the wonderful Hazel Gatehouse.
Hazel suffered an asthma attack and passed surrounded by family on the 21st November.
Many WiS will remember Hazel for her cheerful smile and enthusiasm. She has had a long association with AWIS, including being part of the Organising Committee for the 20008 Christchurch conference and Treasurer for more than 10 years.
A true people person, Hazel had a massive and varied group of friends accumulated during a full life. From owning a craft shop in Dunedin, crewing on the Spirit of New Zealand, badminton and social netball with her sons she was a lady of many talents.
Behind her cheerful smile and warm hugs she was very determined and motivated. Hazel achieved her PhD (on the distribution of non-indigenous seed plants) when she was 42, having gone to uni as a mature student while raising 3 teenage boys as a single mum!
Recently Hazel had been a Senior Tutor in blended learning at Lincoln University and loved the contact with students - many of them left touching testimonials to Hazel’s impact on their lives.
Hazel will be missed be all who knew her. She inspired those who came in contact with her to love more and live life to the full, without sweating the small stuff.
The AWIS Travel Award will be named in her honour reflecting her passion for travel and young people.