My Story - Lisa Matisoo-Smith

10 June 2024, 12pm - Zoom

My Story webinars, where you can hear New Zealand women in science speak about their roles, their personal highlights, and their tips for success in a STEM career. 

Speaker: Lisa Matisoo-Smith

Lisa Matisoo-Smith is the Professor of Biological Anthropology in the Department of Anatomy at the University of Otago and currently the Dean of the School of Biomedical Sciences. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand, a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, London and was the Principal Investigator for the Pacific Islands with National Geographic’s Genographic Project. Lisa’s primary area of interest is in looking at the biological evidence for the human settlement of the Pacific. She applies both ancient and modern DNA techniques to reconstruct migration pathways, and is increasingly interested in how human history and population origins may be related to some of the health issues facing Pacific populations today. Lisa works throughout the Pacific, but her most recent work has focused on New Zealand, Tokelau, Papua New Guinea and South America. She is committed to working in close collaboration with Pacific communities and strongly believes that such relationships benefit the research in ways not often appreciated.

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Thanks to support from Plant & Food Research


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